Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Chocolate Birthday for Rumiana

Chocolate Buttercream

Making Gnache

I made these for our class, because I knew that cake would never be shared...

Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Buttercream, Chocolate Gnache and Fresh Strawberries


Coincidentally, our birthdays are two days apart. Here's us blowing out our birthday candle.

Thanks to Finale, in Cambridge, for the sorbet fruit plate!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

April, my favorite month!

Easter M&M cookies on a pretty vintage Italian plate!


April is also BMac's birthday, friend and drummer of my boyfriend's band. So what kind of cake should a drummer get for his 21st birthday? Hmm...

Snare Drum Cake!
Funfetti Cake with Vanilla Frosting, and matching cupcakes.